What 2016 Taught Me

Hi friends! Welcome back to my blog and to my last blog post of 2016! I cannot believe we are days away from the new year. While this year has flew by, it also feels like parts were so long ago. Overall, I'd say 2016 was a pretty successful year for me. I certainly went through some things that made me a better person and I am looking forward to what next year has to offer me! Keep on reading to hear about my biggest learnings of 2016.

What I Got For Christmas | 2016

Hi loves! I hope you had a great holiday weekend, I know I did! I still can't believe Christmas has already come and gone. It was so nice to spend time with family and friends as well as eat good food and drink festive drinks!

I wanted to put together a post detailing some of my favorite gifts from this year. I'm sososo thankful for everything I received! My family and friends were way too good to me and I hope they loved their gifts from me as much as I did from them!

The Answer to Your Dry Skin Troubles | LUSH Dream Cream

Hello, hello! Welcome back! It's officially Winter as of this week and my skin sure has been feeling it. It has been so dry thanks to the back and forth in temperature we've been having up in the North East and none of the lotions or creams I had were doing anything. As most of us do, I took to the internet to find a fix!

Holiday Party Essentials | My Most Needed Products

Can you believe we're less than a week to Christmas?! Me neither. I don't know where time goes these days. Anyways! Today, I'm talking about my top 5 must haves for holiday party season! Whether it's a work event, Christmas or New Years Eve, I always have these guys on hand to help me feel great all night.

HUGE Sephora Haul | Winter 2016

So.... I may have went a little crazy at Sephora this month. I was about $150 away from getting VIB (yes, I'm a newbie!) so I figured why not since the perks will last all throughout next year too! I've recently been getting more and more into high end makeup and products, so I figured now was a great time to invest in some new goodies!

My Apartment Christmas Decor | 2016

As you may know, I live just across the Hudson River from NYC (does my blog name make sense now? ;)), which means small living spaces for high prices. Luckily, I love where I live so much I'm totally okay with paying a little too much for a tiny apartment!

With that said, I can't go crazy on Christmas decor just yet since I just don't have the space to showcase everything I could dream of. Today, I decided to put together a post detailing the simple decor I've accumulated over the past 3 Christmas's we've spend in this apartment.

BOXYCHARM Unboxing | December 2016

Is it just me to did our BOXYCHARM boxes get shipped early this month?! I always have this post built into my schedule for around the 20th, but I received this on the 9th, so I just had to bump it up for you guys :) This month's box value clocks in at $110-- all for $21. Keep on reading to see what I got this month!

Blog Makeover | 2016

Happy, happy Friday! My company holiday party was this past Wednesday so I've been waiting for this moment since I woke up quite hungover on Thursday morning. I cannot wait to pass out after posting this ;) Anyways! If you're here reading, you probably noticed the face lift I've given Life Across the Hudson! I am so obsessed with how it turned out.

Most Repurchased Beauty Products | 2016

Hi loves-- Welcome back! Over the past 4 years, I've really gotten into beauty and trying different products. While I lovelovelove trying the newest beauty trends, there are just some things that stick along the way. This post is dedicated to my current ride-or-dies that I have repurchased countless times and cannot live without!

White Elephant Gift Ideas | All Amazon Prime Eligible & Under $20

Now that it's December, it's full blown holiday party season! One of my favorite games/gift exchanges to participate in is the White Elephant Gift Exchange. You can read the full rules here, but it's a fun spinoff of Secret Santa or Grab Bag where everyone brings in a wrapped gift and as each gift gets opened you have the chance to steal a gift that's been opened OR pick an unwrapped gift. It can get really competitive and it's so fun seeing what everyone thinks the best gift is!

November Favorites | 2016

Happy December! Welcome back to my blog :) Today's post is alllll about the things I was loving in November. November and December are probably my favorite months of the year because #holidays and #foodcomas, but they also give me a reason to change up some products because of the changing weather and try out new holiday releases! What more could a girl want?!