My Apartment Christmas Decor | 2016

As you may know, I live just across the Hudson River from NYC (does my blog name make sense now? ;)), which means small living spaces for high prices. Luckily, I love where I live so much I'm totally okay with paying a little too much for a tiny apartment!

With that said, I can't go crazy on Christmas decor just yet since I just don't have the space to showcase everything I could dream of. Today, I decided to put together a post detailing the simple decor I've accumulated over the past 3 Christmas's we've spend in this apartment.

Nothing makes me happier than Christmas time. I wish we could always have these decorations out to make our spaces feel cozy and warm, but I'll take a month of the year over nothing!

First up, is my main Christmas space. We have the tree set up next to our little storage unit, which sits directly under the TV (and is mounted on the wall), so I get to stare at this section pretty often. Our tree was a gift when we first moved in here, but you can find similar small ones at Target here.

This is currently my FAVORITE candle. I'm unsure how I ever lived without this! I picked this up during the Bath & Body Works $8.50 candle sale and I wish I knew then how much I was going to love this because I would have picked up 10. This is Peppermint Marshmallow from the White Bran collection. It's prefect for a cozy night and I've gotten so many compliments on it already! The stand it's in is also from Bath & Body Works, but they seem to be sold out online :( But I've linked the ones they have in stock here!

The cute little Charlie Brown-esq tree is from Target as well! I got this a week or so ago, so hopefully it's still available in some stores!

Last Christmas, I made this cute little DIY shadow box and actually blogged about it here! It's super easy to create and customize. I love the little touch it gives our living room and that I can change out the quote if I ever feel the need to :)

And the last little section is our desk! We got these cute little table top Christmas trees from Target last year, but they have a bunch of similar ones this year too! I also love this candle from Primark that my friends got me as a part of my birthday gift. It's smells delicious and looks so nice when lit!

We also decided to replace our typical wall decor with a wreath to bring even more Christmas to our space :) We got this two or so weeks ago from JC Penney and I am in love with it! I love that it has some ornaments and pine cones and we also added the twinkle lights (also from JC Penney!)

And that's it for this year! I love that each year we get more and more decor so whenever we move into a bigger place, we'll have stuff to fill it out! You can guarantee I'll be hitting up Target and other home decor spots come January and stocking up on some sale decor for next year ;)

Where are you favorite places to buy Christmas decor? Let me know in the comments! Thanks so much for reading :)

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