My Blog Goals for 2016

Welp, I'm already off to a great start to 2016. Wanted to get this up yesterday, buuuut life happens haha. Anyways, I saw a bunch of these posts going around Bloglovin' so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.

I was debating doing a resolution post, but figured it was too similar to my 365 Days to a More Inspired You post. I'd say 99% of my resolutions can be found there :)

I'm hoping this post will help me keep my blog in shape and help it to continue to grow this year. Let me know of your goals in the comments and if you have any tips to help me with mine!

1) Create at least 2 new blog posts per week: I know that number may seem a bit low to some, but I work full-time (aka 50-60 hours per week) and I also like to enjoy my free time on the weekend, so 2 times is fairly realistic based on how much time each post takes to create. I know I need to keep updating in order to achieve my goals and continue to grow my blog, so 2 posts per week will be my baseline. I will obviously try to post more, but I'm aiming for at least twice a week.

2) Grow my Instagram (& other social platforms): I launched my Instagram for LATH a few weeks ago and I haven't been the best at updating it. I want to post at least 5-7 times per week and continue to engage and find new blogs through the platform. I know how important Instagram is for blog growth so I'd love to see myself at over 1,000 follower this year. This should be doable since I work in the industry and have some insight into growing channels like Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

3) Optimize my content for BOTH Bloglovin' & Pinterest: Similar to the above, both of these platforms are key in the blogging world. I would like to see myself optimizing my images and content for both these platforms. Following basic guidelines, I will make sure my images fit into each platforms best practices (aka more crops and sizes for you guys :P)

4) Create a solid look & feel for my content: This is certainly my least measurable goal, but I've been experimenting with my image filters, layouts, fonts etc. since I've been consistently posting (since about October.) By the end of this year, I'd like to have my look and feel nailed down. I want my content to be cohesive and feel as if it all has come from the same place.

5) Completely redesign my blog: I'm currently using a theme that I purchased that can be customized. I'm looking to dive into the HTML & CSS of Blogger and completely revamp my page. I have some experience with this from when I was big on Tumblr, but I've never coded for Blogger so this should be fun! I will certainly need to read/watch a bunch of tutorials so if you have any good ones, please let me them in the comments!

And that's it! I'm hoping this will help keep me on track with growing this blog. I've seen success in blogging in the past so I know I can do it, just gotta put my mind to it.

Let me know if you guys have any tips to help me achieve my goals in the comments - Thanks for reading and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :)

1 comment

  1. Sounds like you have plenty of solid goals to get into this year! A massive good luck to you, I'm sure you'll do a great job!

    Corinne x
