365 Days Later | One Year of Trying to be More Inspired

Some of you may remember my post a year back, 365 Days to a More Inspired You. A little riff off of  the 101 in 1001 challenge, I wanted a little bucket list of things written out for me to try to complete within a year. I certainly didn't hit all of these, but this did help me go out and do something things I've always wanted to but were out of my comfort zone.

I was able to complete 31 of the 75 things. Now, that doesn't sound like a lot, but there are quite a few I didn't count as accomplished, but I'm on my way to getting there!

One of my biggest, most exciting ones was to see the Northern Lights, and while that didn't happen within 365 days, I diiiiiiid book a trip to Iceland to go and see them!

I didn't get a chance to rent a ski house with my friends last winter, but we booked a ski house for this New Years Eve within the 365 days :P I also plan to purchase a DLSR on Black Friday/Cyber Monday in anticipation to my trip to Iceland! There are a few others that I either started or partially completed, so I'd still say I'm pretty proud of myself.

I'm probably going to keep this list going and updating/writing blog posts on my experiences as they come. This was such a great way to get me out of my comfort zone and do things I normally wouldn't have.

How do you guys get more inspired when  you're in a slump? I'd love to hear your ideas! Thanks for reading <3

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