365 Days to a More Inspired You | Half Year Update

Hi guys! Welcome back :) Six months back, I created a post called 356 Days to a More Inspired You to help me keep track and actually achieve some short-ish term goals. A riff off the 101 in 1001, I wanted to shorten up the timeframe so I could set yearly goals and also challenge my readers to start doing stuff they always wanted to!

I was feeling super uninspired at the time and I felt that this would help keep me accountable. I definitely thought I had more checked off than I actually did, so I'm happy I planned out this 6 month update to re-inspire me :)

So of the 75 things on my list, I've completed 25 (re-copied the list below!) Definitely not where I'd like to be halfway through, but it honestly could have been worse! Unfortunately, some of these won't be possible in the timeframe I've given myself (like ice skating in NYC at Christmas time and seeing the Cherry Blossoms in Brooklyn) since this will end in October of 2016, but I'm going to try my hardest to get the ones that are doable done by the end of this challenge.

The top ones I have left on my list are lose 15 pounds, meal prep for a week and create a cadence/strategy for my blog. I'd say I'm in the works with all three of these, which is why I feel like they're the most achievable in the near future.

My favorite things that I finished are hitting my FitBit goals for a week straight, get a raise/new job and collaborating with a brand! My FitBit has become my obsession and having more and more friends on the app, it's so much fun (and motivating) when you challenge each other. This obviously goes hand-in-hand with me wanting to loose 15 pounds, so that's great! I also got a new job recently which meant a pay bump! Living in/around NYC is expensive AF so this was a huuuuge win for me. And my last favorite, collaborating with a brand, has been so fun! I've been lucky enough to work with a few brands and have discovered so many new products from doing so :)

I certainly have my work cut out for me with this list but I'm up for the challenge! If you're feeling a little unmotivated lately, I encourage putting one of these together for yourself! I would love to see what your list looks like so please let me know if you post one! Thank you so much for reading!

365 Days to a More Inspired You (as of 4/25)

Start Date: 10/24/2015
End Date: 10/23/2016
  1. Go to the gym 5 times in one week Complete: Week of 11/9
  2. Create a new post series for this blog Complete: Need It or Leave ItSocial Media For Bloggers
  3. Binge watch something on Netflix Complete: How To Get Away With Murder, Dec 2015
  4. Sleep past 11am Complete: 01/30/16
  5. Get a promotion and/or raise Complete: 3/18/16 (Got a new job aka a raise!)
  6. Eat pizza from L&B
  7. Lose 15 pounds
  8. Find a new hobby
  9. Run a 5k for charity
  10. Go to a tumbling class
  11. Get coffee with an old friend
  12. Go to Target and leave with NOTHING more than I set out to get Complete: 02/15/16 - Truly a miracle!
  13. Treat myself to a spa day
  14. Do something for someone who can't do something for me in return Complete: 10/24/15 (Bought a homeless man dinner)
  15. Cook something completely from scratch (and blog about it!) Complete: [1] [2] [3]
  16. Go ice skating in NYC at Christmas time
  17. Watch a Met game at McFadden's
  18. Go to the West Coast Complete: 02/04/16 (Blog post all about it here!)
  19. Create a fun DIY project (and blog about it!) Complete: Christmas Decor2016 Calendar
  20. Attend at least one professional sporting event Complete: Jets/Bills game, 01/04/16
  21. Fix something I've never fixed before Complete: 10/30/15 (Fixed my refrigerator)
  22. Hike at High Point State Park
  23. Travel to 3 new states In Progress: California
  24. Try a smoothie bowl from the Juice Shop
  25. Go to the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens when the cherry blossoms have bloomed
  26. Rowboat in Central Park
  27. Go to Las Vegas
  28. Donate my unwanted clothing/items Complete: 12/2/15
  29. Take a 5 mile walk along the Hudson River
  30. Attend a country concert
  31. Meal prep for a full week on a Sunday
  32. ...Stick to the meal prep made on Sunday
  33. Consume no alcohol for one full month
  34. Tell my friends I have a blog
  35. Give a presentation in front of 10 or more people Complete: 3/10/16 (Client Presentation!)
  36. Do Escape the Room Complete: 3/18/16
  37. Give someone a meaningful present
  38. Deep clean my apartment (without hiring a cleaning service)
  39. Take the stairs for a full week
  40. Rent a ski house with a bunch of friends
  41. Foster an animal
  42. Bake a birthday cake for someone
  43. Learn to properly contour my face Complete: I'd say Feb 2016 is when I fully got it down!
  44. Send a handwritten letter
  45. Take a photography class
  46. Treat myself to a DSLR (once the above has been completed!)
  47. Go to a wine & paint night
  48. Cook a treat for the office Complete: 11/20/15 (Buffalo Chicken Dip!)
  49. Witness Aurora Borealis 
  50. Decorate my apartment with a plant (and keep it alive) Complete: 3/13/16
  51. Attend a live taping of a TV show or movie
  52. Improve my handwriting & make it into a personal font
  53. Redesign this blog from scratch Complete: 2/21/16
  54. Go to a hot air balloon festival
  55. Write a freelance article
  56. Post a blog tour for my current apartment Complete: 11/18/15 (Link Here!)
  57. Help someone with their resume Complete: 01/25/16
  58. Completely pay off my credit card bill
  59. Finish paying my student loans
  60. Collaborate with a brand Complete: (A few times!) HASKChompsDerma E
  61. Buy someone behind me in line their food/coffee
  62. Go to a comedy club
  63. Treat my parents to dinner
  64. Take a new workout class Complete: 305 Fitness! 4/20/16
  65. Go to Lugo Cucina with Ryan
  66. Write 10 Yelp reviews
  67. Go to Smorgasburg 
  68. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge
  69. Kayak on the Hudson River
  70. Walk the High Line
  71. Take a day off from work, just because Complete: 3/11/16
  72. Spontaneously book a hotel room
  73. Hit my FitBit goals for a week straight Complete: Week of 01/25/16
  74. Fully burn a candle
  75. Create an editorial calendar, cadence and strategy for this blog

1 comment

  1. This is SUCH a good idea!

    Thanks for the inspiration and congrats on your progress!!!!!
    Look forward to reading more :)

