The Miranda Sings Award!

Hi guys! I want to start by thanking Jess from xoojess for nominating me for the Miranda Sings Award! Jess and I actually go waaaay back in the blogging world to Tumblr circa 2011 :P We connected on Tumblr due to us having similar blogs and here we are again! So thank you again for the nomination! Please keep on reading to learn more about this award and who I nominate.

I love these awards and tags because it really helps you learn about fellow bloggers :) Below you will find the rules, my answers and who I nominate!


- Announce your nomination with a post, including a link to the blogger who nominated you
- Include the featured image on your blog
- Nominate 10 other blogs and link the nominees in your post
- List seven things you love about yourself (e.g. your appearance, personality, achievements, etc.), but don’t use negative comparisons!

7 Things I Love About Myself:
  1. Probably my favorite thing about myself is my empathy. I'm the most empathetic person I know, and while I tend put other peoples' feelings/problems before my own, I just love helping people through whatever it is their going through. I love having the ability to really see things from someone else's point of view to really talk and help them through whatever.
  2. I love how when I put my mind to something, usually things people don't think I can do, I'm able to work to exceed expectations (and even surprise myself.)
  3. I love how hard I've worked to get the where I am in my career. I work in a cut-throat, fast paced, full-of-stress industry and I've been able to give it my all and land a new job with an amazing company, a higher title and a pay raise. 
  4. Copying Jess on this one :P But I love that I've found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. We've been through so much over the past 6 years and I wouldn't be who I am today without him.
  5. I love that I've had some of the same friends for over 20 years. I'm so lucky to have people who have been with me through literally everything. It's so comforting that people can love you through the good and all of the bad.
  6. Similar to number one, I love that I'm able to form relationships with really anyone. This is so important in my line of work, but instead of using this to skill to "get ahead," I truly use it to form great relationships. Relationships are essentially the root of all happiness and sadness, so I love that I know how to keep them healthy, regardless of the personality of the other person.
  7. Last and most boring-- I love my eyes. They're a really cool yellow-y green color :)

Blogs I Nominate:
Natalie from Natalie Rohman
Kiran from A Little Kiran
Kristyn from BlissKris
Justine from Prime & Glow
Brittany from The Bookish Beauty
Róisín from Everything's Looking Rosie
Alisha from Ramblings by Alisha
Gabrielle from The Gift of Gab

I can't wait to see what you ladies write up! Thanks so much for reading :)

1 comment

  1. Thank you, that is so kind! I will write my post tonight. Thank you so much.

    Kiran |
